
Automotive pictures from Shorpy

Vanderbilt's Belmont Park four-in-hand passing the Holland House Hotel on Fifth Avenue in New York 1905
1917 Detroit

Traffic congestion at a 1918 war bond drive in Washington DC

This Winton was wrecked by Congressman never-heard-of-him-before, in 1920

1920 Washington DC

1924 photo of Lincoln hearse

1926 paint booth

1926 service station

1928 Takoma Park Maryland

This is a Cunningham automobile, and was used as a private ambulance by a coroner

1927 four wheel drive auto company dumptruck

1927 four wheel drive auto company
If you like this type of old car photos, look through the rest of the best vehicle photos from Shorpy: http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/search/label/Shorpy