
A moment to review the price of going green, and the EPA making it the price too high

The Pickens Plan is a great idea, but if you try to convert your vehicle to run on natural gas without going through the Environmental Protection Agency testing process, the EPA can fine you up to $5,000 a day for tampering with the fuel and emissions systems.

How much does it cost to go through the EPA process? According to CNGPrices.com “these strict test requirements and the expense of getting a CNG conversion kit certified, there are very few EPA and/or CARB approved CNG conversions, and the conversions are relatively expensive, costing from $8,000 to $16,000.”

That’s an average of $12,000 to convert your vehicle to run on natural gas and at even $5 a gallon for gasoline that’s 2,400 gallons of fuel or about 48,000 miles at 20 miles per gallon. At 20 miles per gallon for an average vehicle, 2400 gallons of fuel is four years of driving running on petrol for most people. http://www.coolcarguy.com/2008/07/the-real-problem-facing-the-pickens-plan-for-getting-off-our-addiction-to-oil/

Via: http://www.coolcarguy.com/ which isn't very cool by the way. It's a guy trying to make money selling cars. Yeah, somebody has to do it, but it ain't making as many people happier about cars and their day as what I do, in my opinion.

Seriously....? This guy is so far off the normal thought process that he lists these as his only "Cool links"... doofus.
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