
Shakespeare was a sports car fan

What is the course and drift of your compact?
Comedy of Errors 11-i-163

The villain is much lighter-heeled than I;
I followed fast, but faster did he fly.
Midsummer Night's Dream 111-i-415

Be plain, good son, and homely in thy drift.
Romeo and Juliet 11-v-55

How he did lap me!
Richard II! ll-ii-115

This aspect of mine hath feared the Valiant.
Merchant of Venice l-i-9

My word! Be Sterling yet in England?
Richard I! IV-i-264

I'll hammer it out . . .
Richard I! V-v-4

I am well acquainted with your manner of wrenching
Henry IV 11-i-120

. . . the poor mechanic!
Henry V 1-200 . . .

this frail and worthless trunk!
Henry V 111-v-163

I like the new tire. . .
Much Ado About Nothing 111-iv-12

My better parts are all thrown down;
That which remains is bit a mere lifeless block.
As You Like It l-ii-260

But indeed fire, we make holiday,
to see Caesar and to rejoice in his Triumph!
Julius Caesar l-i-34

I understand a Fury. . .
Othello IV-I-31

Good gentlemen, go your gait and let the poor folk pass. . .
King Lear IV-vi-242

A good and virtuous nature may recoil / in an Imperial. ..
Macbeth IV-iii-19

I would I had thy inches!
Anthony and Cleopatra

. . . and then, of course, Shakespeare wrote an entire play about The Tempest.
-J. H. Greelle