
Hey Glen, here's the car clubs of San Diego County

Alfa-Romeo Owners Club San Diego: http://www.arocsd.org/ or (619) 265-2686
Amigos Car Club, low riders: (619) 954-9010
American Truck Historical Society, San Diego Chapter: (858) 759-0283
Antique Automobile Club of America: (619) 465-0797
Austin-Healey Club of San Diego: http://www.sdhealey.org/
BMW Car Club of San Diego: http://www.sdbmwcca.com/
BMW Z Club, for all BMW Z cars: SanDiegoZ.com
Camaro Club of San Diego: (619) 390-1324 and (858) 695-6720 and http://www.camaroclubofsandiego.com/
Classic Chevys of San Diego, 1955-57: (858) 484-3431 or http://www.classicchevysofsandiego.com/
Heartbeat Classic Chevys, 1955-1957: http://www.heartbeatclassicchevys.com;/ (760) 489-8092, or (619) 561-0955
Southern California Late Great Chevys, 1958-1972: (619) 470-3059
Southern California Chevelle Camino Club: http://chevelles.net/scccc/
Vintage Chevrolet Club of America: (619) 593-1047
Christian Rods & Customs: (619) 286-5501 or davidrw@cox.net
North San Diego Chapter Christian Rods & Customs: (760) 782-3743 or RandKalltheway@Sdccu.net
Walter P. Chrysler Club: (619) 667-8203
Clairemont Neighborhood Cruisers: (858) 277-9101 or Clairemont CNC@aol.com
Coastal Cruisers, pre 1957 rods and customs: (858) 292-9996
San Diego Corvair Club: (858) 663-3376 or e-mail timhelbling@yahoo.com
Corvette Owners Club of San Diego: (877) SDVETTS or http://www.cocsd.com/
North County Corvette Club: (858) 549-2660 or http://www.ncocc.com/
North Coast Vettes: (760) 806-8080 or http://www.northcoastvettes.org/
Corvettes of San Diego: (760) 796-4366 or http://www.corvettesofsandiego.com/
Cougar Club of San Diego: (858) 566-1395 or clubs.hemmings.com/cougarsd/
Electric Vehicle Association of San Diego: http://www.evaosd.com/
Fallbrook Vintage Car Club (AACA): (760) 723-5324
Early Ford V8 Club of San Diego, 1932-1953: 7 p.m., third Wednesday of the month except December, San Diego Automotive Museum, Balboa Park; http://www.sandiegoearlyfordv8club.org/
East County Cruisers: (619) 328-6595 or http://www.eastcountycruisers.com/
San Diego Ford Falcon Club: (858) 569-7159 or (760) 758-4499
Ferrari Owners Club: http://www.focsandiego.com/ or (858) 792-5838
Fab Fords, 1930-1970: (619) 697-1067
Wunderbirds of San Diego, Thunderbirds 1955-present: (619) 462-6478
Classic T-Birds of San Diego, Thunderbirds 1955-1957: (619) 444-0110 or (858) 748-5902; website: http://ctci.org/chapters/24.htm
Impala Club of San Diego, 1991-1996: e-mail president@impalaclubofsd.com or http://www.impalaclubofsd.com/
Honda 600: http://www.honda600owners.com/
Hudson Essex Terraplane Club: (619) 992-2203 or e-mail, Charlie@wallaceBros.com
San Diego Jaguar Club: (858) 549-4658
Jensen Owners Club: (858) 487-6371 or http://www.jentlefolk.com/
Land Rover Club of San Diego: http://www.lrcsd.com/
Mercedes-Benz Club of America: (619) 575-1141
Model A Restorers Club of San Diego: (858) 278-6317 or http://www.sdmodelaclub.com/
San Diego Model T Club: (858) 277-5421
Modified Motorcycle Association of California: (858) 349-3180 or ridefree@rebelmedia.us
Monday Nite Car Club: for classics, hot rods, trucks and street rods: (619) 687-3602 or http://www.mncc.cc/
San Diego MG Club: (619) 575-5625 or http://www.sandiegomgclub.org/
San Diego MG-T Register: (619) 286-8689 or (760) 746-9028
San Diego Miata Club: (619) 434-2007 or http://www.sandiegomiataclub.org/
West Coast Mini: Don Davis, (619) 463-6538 and http://www.westcoastminiclub.org/
Mopar Club/San Diego: (858) 484-3388 http://www.moparclubsandiego.org/
Mustang Club of San Diego: http://www.sdmustangs.com/
Wild Horses National Mustang Club: http://www.wildhorsessd.com/
San Diego Opel Motorsport Club: (760) 497-5360
Over the Hill Gang, San Diego, 1948 and earlier vehicles: http://www.overthehillgang.com/
Little Guys Street Rods, North San Diego County: http://www.littleguysstreetrods.com/
Packard Club: http://www.packardsandiego.org/
San Diego Panteras Sports Car Club: http://www.sandiegopanteras.com/
Pickups Limited of Southern California, 1953-1956 Fords: (760) 471-6976
Pontiac Club: http://www.sdpoci.com/
Porsche Club of America: http://www.pcasdr.org/
Prowlers of San Diego, hot rod Fords since 1947: http://www.prowlers.org/
South Bay Cruisers: (619) 426-1882, http://southbaycruisers.org/
Southern California Convertible Club: (619) 466-9420
Southern California Shelby Club: (760) 431-0425 or http://www.socalsaac.org/
Solar Car Club: (858) 566-4138
Studebaker Drivers Club: (858) 455-6831, e-mail dennisn@san.rr.com or http://www.studebakerclubs.com/
Strictly Vintage 2s – vintage VW bus owners: http://www.sv2s.com/
Sunrunners Car Club of Imperial Valley: http://www.sunrunnerscarclub.com/
So-Cal Ts – Ford Model T hot rods: http://www.so-caltbuckets.com/
SVTOA San Diego, Ford Special Vehicle Team Owner's Association: http://svtoasandiego.com/
Tierra Del Sol Four Wheel Drive Club: (760) 745-7231 or (858) 793-0785
Triumph Sports Car Club: http://clubs.Hemmings.com/sandiegotriumph
Vintage Volkswagen Club of America: (760) 415-6973
Volvo Sports America: http://www.sdvsa.org/ or (619) 440-7132
Willys Vehicles Club of San Diego: (619) 504-4279
San Diego Woodies, http://www.sandiegowoodies.com/
Z Club: www.zcsd.org or hotline, (858) 492-5176